Preparing sons

and daughters 

for a lifetime

of faithfulness

to Jesus.

We produce online Bible courses for the next generation that stretch the mind and stir the heart.

Join other families who are moving on from reactive parenting to proactively shepherding their child’s heart.

About Head + Heart Bible

Following Jesus in our digital age presents a unique set of challenges for young people and the parents who are entrusted with their spiritual development. Recent Barna research tells us that around two-thirds of young adults who grew up in the church have withdrawn from church engagement altogether.

One thing is clear: we need to be offering our sons and daughters a more robust form of discipleship that anchors them to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

At Head and Heart, we are committed to resourcing parents with tools to help them invest in the discipleship of their kids.

Our Values

  1. Jesus at the center: Every Head + Heart course is designed with a Christ-centered approach to the Bible.

  2. Parents are primary: We resource and equip parents to nurture and develop the faith of their children.

  3. Stretch the mind: We raise the bar of expectation for what middle and high school students are capable of learning about their faith. If they can learn algebra, calculus, and physics in their teenage years, they can learn theology.

  4. Stir the heart: Following Jesus is not just an intellectual exercise in Bible knowledge but involves a complete transformation of the heart. Our courses include lessons and assignments that are designed to captivate their affections for Christ.

  5. Grace and truth: Our curriculum has an unwavering commitment to the unchanging truth of the Word of God while lifting up the love and grace that is only found in Jesus Christ.


Engaging Lessons



Easy to Use

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