Our Courses

Every Head + Heart course is designed with an eye towards two primary goals:

  1. Head: We want to capture the mind of every young person with the glorious Good News of Jesus. Our desire is to walk students to the deep end of the pool of Scripture, establishing a biblical worldview and a mind that is able to navigate the complex challenges of life with discernment and wisdom.

  2. Heart: God’s Word is so much more than a set of facts that He wants us to know in our minds. The truth of the Bible has not run its full course in us until it has sunk down deep into our hearts—the very center of our will and desires. Through these courses, we want to cultivate an abiding love for God and a Christ-like love for people.

Our hope is that every course we offer stretches the mind and stirs the heart of every student.

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.

Mark 12:30

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